#StopSexism # MeToo

Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender. It can lead to a wide range of harmful behaviors, from acts of violence to subtle comments. All manifestations of sexism are harmful. This has a negative impact on society. Women are most severely affected, but sexism also affects people of other marginalized genders. Less directly, it also harms men. It primarily affects women and girls, and it is the root cause of gender inequity worldwide.

Sexism and Gender Inequality

Gender inequality can further be understood through the mechanisms of sexism. Discrimination takes place due to the prejudiced treatment of men and women based on gender alone. Sexism occurs when men and women are framed within two dimensions of social cognition

Why Is Gender Equality Important?

Gender Equality is a very popular topic in society. It's because women have to deserve equal things as same as men. Such as EDUCATION, RIGHTS, and etc. But Some countries put the rule for their women citizens are not allowed to get an education. Education is a right of all humans. Whether you're a boy or a girl but still, your rights are the same. Also, women have the power to change the world, by giving an opinion, and sharing what they feel about something.

Sexist acts include any that frame one sex or gender as inferior.

Sex and gender

Sex and gender are terms that are often used interchangeably but they are in fact two different concepts, even though for many people their sex and gender are the same.

“Sex” refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female, or intersex. A person typically has their sex assigned at birth based on physiological characteristics, including their genitalia and chromosome composition.

"Gender", on the other hand, involves how a person identifies. Unlike sex, gender is not made up of binary forms. This term we use to refer to how a person feels about himself as a boy/man or feels about herself as a girl/woman. Gender role refers to social roles that are assigned by society according to gender.

People categorize sexism in several ways. Sexism can be:


Sexism also can operate on different levels in society. It can be institutional, interpersonal, and internalized.

1. Hostile sexism

This refers to beliefs and behaviors that are openly hostile toward a group of people based on their sex or gender. People who perpetrate hostile sexism want to preserve men’s dominance over women and people of other marginalized genders. They typically oppose gender equality and may also oppose rights They seeing these things as a threat to men.

Examples of hostile sexism include:

👉using sexist language or insults
👉making threatening or aggressive comments based on a person’s gender or sex
👉harassing or threatening someone for defying gender norms, online or offline

2. Benevolent sexism

Benevolent sexism includes views and behaviors that frame women as:pure, caring and nurturing, fragile and in need of protection, beautiful

In comparison to hostile sexism, benevolent sexism can be less obvious. It is a more socially accepted form and is much more likely to be endorsed by men and women. However, despite its name, this type of sexism is not truly benevolent. It still frames one sex or gender as weaker than another. These ideas can lead to policies and behaviors that limit a person’s agency, or the ability of someone to make their own choices.

Some examples of benevolent sexism include:

👉basing a woman’s value on her role as a mother, wife, or girlfriend
👉focusing attention and praise on someone’s appearance rather than their other attributes

3. Ambivalent sexism

This is a combination of benevolent and hostile sexism. People who engage in ambivalent sexism may vary between seeing women as good, pure, and innocent. But they are seeing women as manipulative or deceitful, depending on the situation.

Some examples of ambivalent sexism include:

👉glorifying traditionally feminine behavior and demonizing “unladylike” behavior, in media            coverage
👉differentiating between “good” women and “bad” women based on how they dress
Above we described the different types of sexism. Many countries that consider themselves to be tolerant instead perpetuate a mixture of types, forming a system of ambivalent sexism. All types of sexism are harmful to the health of society. To stop sexism, it is crucial to understand how it manifests and then to challenge sexist attitudes and practices at all levels. But in order for two things to be equal, they must be the same, and women and men are not the same. Women and men have different ways of expressing their emotions, handling situations, etc., But anyone does not have capable of being looked down upon because of their gender.
